Posts tagged Beirut
The Daily Star | Health care workers: Medical system for Palestinians is dire

In the poorly lit stairwell of Haifa Hospital in the Burj al-Barajneh refugee camp, a large poster depicting the ancient city of Jerusalem, dominated by the gold crown of the Dome of the Rock, declares: “Visit Al-Quds.” It’s an aspiration that seems a long way off, as the Palestinian residents of the southern Beirut camp – facing poverty and heavy restrictions on rights to work – are struggling to access even basic health care services in a system under severe pressure.

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The Daily Star | Timeless tiles, methods hark back to past

Most aspects of Blatt Chaya are influenced by a heavy dose of nostalgia, from the design of the cement floor tiles the company has been making since the late 19th century, to the techniques used to make them. But Blatt Chaya, for the first time in its history, is expanding beyond its tiled staples – offering a new range of homeware products, which launched last week at Caritas Liban Secteur Ashrafieh’s two-day fundraising event held Thursday and Friday.

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