The Daily Star | Timeless tiles, methods hark back to past

Most aspects of Blatt Chaya are influenced by a heavy dose of nostalgia, from the design of the cement floor tiles the company has been making since the late 19th century, to the techniques used to make them. But Blatt Chaya, for the first time in its history, is expanding beyond its tiled staples – offering a new range of homeware products, which launched last week at Caritas Liban Secteur Ashrafieh’s two-day fundraising event held Thursday and Friday.

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The Daily Star | Funds dwindling for children's cancer treatment

Iman Moussa is a quiet child, but has a bright smile that masks the fact that the 3-year-old with rich black hair and olive skin has spent the last year undergoing chemotherapy for cancer that once rendered her immobile. However, neither her mother nor her doctor are smiling, as the money for Moussa’s treatment is running out and with it her options.

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The Daily Star | Judge’s ‘courageous’ contempt sentencing wins praise

Prime Minister Saad Hariri Saturday commended the decision of a judge in Tripoli after an unusual sentence was given that spared three young Lebanese men jail time for the potentially serious crime of contempt for religion. The men, aged between 16 and 18, were accused of insulting Christianity. Judge Joceline Matta ruled that the men would avoid prison as long as they memorized verses of the Surat al-Omran from the Quran.

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The Daily Star | Mountaineer aims to be first to ski Mount Lebanon range

Lebanon’s name purportedly derives from the Phoenician root l-b-n, meaning white, after the snow-capped peaks that crown the country’s famous range. One Lebanese mountaineer has grand plans for what he believes is an unprecedented solo ski across Mount Lebanon. But he’s hoping that the mountains live up to their reported moniker: the unseasonably warm weather has so far failed to deliver enough snow for him to make his attempt.

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The Daily Star | CAS, ILO launch landmark labor force, living conditions survey

Over 40,000 households will soon be surveyed as part of Lebanon’s largest study on labor force and living conditions. The Labor Force and Household Living Conditions Survey, carried out by the Central Administration of Statistics with the technical support of the International Labour Organization and funding from the EU, is set to enter the field work phase, the body announced during a launch event at the Grand Serail Wednesday.

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